Monday 17 October 2011


The locations of horror films tend to be enclosed spaces, emphasising claustrophobia in the audience and making the threat of an attacker more frightening and ever present. Westerns tend to use wide, sweeping landscapes of America, such as this location used in 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly':

The Good THe Bad and The Ugly

As we are trying to make a combination of genres, this contrast could be a problem. However, we are only taking the element of the threat of horror films and putting them into a typically Western style and situation, meaning we should be attempting to find locations that are reminicsnet of Western settings. However, there are not many areas in Oxford that look like this. There are many parks across the city that could give a wide landscape to film in. Also, due to the more urban and less natural nature of horrors, we could attempt to modernise the style of Westerns by using a contrasting location such as a concreted carpark or road. This would give a darker visual style than a park which is what we are aiming for.

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