Friday 14 October 2011

Assigned roles for our task

To complete the task of creating a film opening, we have assigned roles to each member of our group so we can effectively cover each area of the production. The roles involve:

Typography: The use of typography in film most commonly relates to the title board that displays the name of the film at its start. Typography covers the typeface, size, colour and general style of lettering. It is also used significantly in the opening and closing credits, meaning that it has an effect on the audience's first impression of a film. The style of the typography should also relate to the overall theme of a film, so is important to our film opening.

Story narrative: The narrative of a film is the way in which the story is told. The film contains multiple story arcs of different characters which are usually set up in the opening of the film. To create a film opening that makes narrative sense (e.g. correct pacing and effective beginning of story arcs) we will draft the complete narrative of the film in the form of a pitch.

Audience research: This is a significant area for filmmakers as it can help them find and understand the demographic their film will be aimed at. Certain genres of film have audiences differing in things such as age, gender and location. Films with widely popular genres are more likely to be produced than ones with small audiences, in interest of profit. If we look at the demographic of the genre of our film opening, we can use the information to make it appeal more greatly to them.

Visual planning: The most significant area of visual planning is the storyboard. We will use this in our film opening to plan the type of shots to use and exactly what will be happening on camera. This will make the filming process faster and more efficient, though if necessary we can make changes to the shots while filming.

Music and soundtrack: The soundtrack adds greatly to the atmosphere and tone of a film. Many genres are strongly associated with a certain type of music that will commonly feature in them. The soundtrack can contrast from the visuals for comic effect, or add to the tension of a scene in a horror. Sound effects are also used in film, particularly those such as science fiction or action to emphasise the technological or intense tone. As the opening must establish the atmosphere of the film, our project must use music and sound effectively to do so.

Scheduling, casting and locations: Before filming our opening scene, we must find people to cast as the characters. As we are in a school environment, there are many people, such as those taking theatre studies, or may be willing to participate. The location of the filming will be influenced by the genre of film we use to do. This could be a problem, as Oxford doesn't have a wide range of varying locations to film in. As many people will be involved in this project, we will have to schedule times to plan and film the scene.

I am going to work on the areas of typography, the story narrative, audience research and locations.

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