Saturday 24 September 2011

Preliminary Task Requirements

There are three main requirements to consider when creating the video for the preliminary task.

1) Match on action
This is a technique that is significant in relation to continuity editing. After a shot is filmed, the cut to the next shot matches the image of the previous one, giving the feel of continuous time. For example, a shot of someone opening a door is followed by a shot of the door opening from the other side, though in reality it isn't necessarily the same one.

2) The 180 degree rule

The 180 degree rule states that the camera should only film from angles within a set 180 degree radius around the characters. If many shots from different angles are shown together it can disorientate the audience, stopping them understanding the content of the scene.

3) Shot/ reverse shot technique

This technique is a common convention used when filming dialogue. A shot is filmed from a certain angle, for example, of a person in conversation. The next shot will be the same but from the opposite, or reverse, angle. These can be used in quick succession to gives the audience the impression of continuous interaction between two characters, or to show a character's reaction to something.

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