Monday 19 September 2011

Media Terminology

There is range of terminology in media used to describe the meaning of what is depicted on screen.
‘Juxtaposition’ describes the effect created when two contrasting things are combined to create a different meaning. For example, an image of a skyscraper may individually signify modernity, wealth and contemporary technology, while a hut surrounded by farmland might signify poverty and self-sufficiency. When the images are put together, however, the overall meaning will change. It now could signify the dominance of technology over nature, or the gap in wealth of different countries.
The words ‘signify’, ‘connote’ and ‘denote’ relate to semiotics, or the study of signs and symbols, that are seen in constructed media texts, whether included consciously or unconsciously. ‘Denote’ is used when the meaning in a text is definite and intended, while ‘connote’ is used when there are other possible interpretations of the meaning.

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