Sunday 11 March 2012

More filming and editing

Though it was not ideal filming and editing so close to the deadline, on Friday 2nd March we gathered at the house of one of our new actors to film the new half of our storyline that we planned to incorporate into the old footage saved from Youtube, as her younger brother had agreed to be a part in the film.
After setting up the Lego, including a small house and the tiny posters we had made for the previous stop motion experiments to enhance the mise-en-scene, we finished filming successfully.

On Sunday 4th March we edited the footage. This was difficult to do, as we had to download the first draft from Youtube and integrate it with the new footage, meaning we had to mute the original audio track as it was split up to fit in new footage and audio. This involved recreating the soundtrack we had made out of a mixture of music from scores of other films, dialogue from our film opening and sound effects (both downloaded from the internet and created by us).

The stop motion experimentation had definitely been useful in helping us to film the Lego Bro plays with in an interesting way. We tried to film the stop motion material in a similar way to how we would film the same events in live action, in a cinematic manner, a method which we transferred to the new filming. The Lego mise-en-scene we previously created for the stop motion was also useful, especially due to the limited time we were working with.

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