Tuesday 6 December 2011


Monday 5 December 2011

Film Opening - First Draft

This is the first edit of our film opening. We have edited what we filmed and added sound effects, music and a title card to the original footage. Once we have audience feedback we'll add more to it and make suggested changes to improve it.
We still need to add several more sound effects, to build the tension before the Little Guy runs into the pole. We'll add breathing and heart beat sound effects that we either download from the internet or create ourselves, as we did with the noise as she hit the pole, as a suitable one wasn't available online - most were too over the top comedic. We also have to add opening credits over the film, which we couldn't do on the program that we used to edit - the words weren't clear enough to read. There is also an issue when the split screen appears, so we'll try to fix that when we re-edit the footage.